Parmish Verma
A man who isn't only a director but an actor, a singer and the biggest, a motivator. He is a doer. He pushes not only himself but others, men and women, to achieve their dreams they been resting on. The one and only Parmish Verma has supported Nokwal in many Indian-Punjabi music videos and is also rocking Nokwal gear in his upcoming movie Rocky Mental. Parmish Verma has made Nokwal a known brand in INDIA along with many other countries and cities. His words reach far and deep down to his million followers. We do not know how to thank you him enough for what he has done for Nokwal but to ask everyone to support Parmish Verma and his first Movie that will be released worldwide on August 18-19, 2017. We want to wish him all the best. Let's break some box office records!